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Unlike other widgets, configuration of this widget occurs through functions. See below.


The following functions are available:

setDepartureInputEl(element)If set, the widget will attempt to listen to the given element's 'change' and 'keydown' events to determine the departure country or airport.
setDestinationInputEl(element)If set, the widget will attempt to listen to the given element's 'change' and 'keydown' events to determine the destination country or airport.
setPromptEl(element)If set, the widget will inject prompt text into the element given that let's the user know if restrictions are present which includes a link to trigger visibility.
setPromptTxt(String)If set, the widget will use this text within the first prompt sentence.
setPromptLinkTxt(String)If set, the widget will use this text within the link in the prompt text.
setDepartureCode(String)Set the departure country. Uses ISO 3166 Alpha 2 character codes.
setDepartureAirportCode(String)Set the departure airport code. Uses IATA airport codes.
setDepartureDate(String)Set the departure date
setDestinationCode(String)Set the destination country. Uses ISO 3166 Alpha 2 character codes.
setDestinationAirportCode(String)Set the destination airport code. Uses IATA airport codes.
setNationality(String)Set the nationality country. Uses ISO 3166 Alpha 2 character codes.
setVaccinated(Boolean)Set the vaccination status
setExclusions(Array)Specify which data points to exclude. See below.
setAuthToken(String)Set your authentication token.
setOrganizationId(String)Set your organization token.
setLanguage(String)The widget will attempt to determine the user's language automatically. This will force a language selection. Use two character languages codes. e.g. 'es' for Spanish.
showPanel(Boolean)When true, will make the panel visible.
doSearch()Will fetch entry requirements and travel restrictions from Sitata.

Entry Requirement and Travel Restriction Exclusions

The setExclusions function allows you to remove certain categories of travel restrictions and/or entry requirements from display in the widget. Please see the object format in the examples below. If you need to remove categories for all countries, you may use an asterisk (*).


// remove travel restriction type 0 and type 3 for all countries
// remove entry requirement types 1 and 2 for all countries
countryCode: '*',
travelRestrictionTypes: [0, 3],
entryRequirementTypes: [1, 2]
// remove travel restriction types 1, 2, and 3 for Canada and India
countryCode: 'CA',
travelRestrictionTypes: [1, 2, 3],
countryCode: 'IN',
travelRestrictionTypes: [1, 2, 3],


The following events are available and are triggered on the window document object.

Event NameDescription
sitata:travelSearchReadyFired when the widget has been downloaded and is ready to be initalized.
sitata:selectCountryFired when a country is selected. Event details contain the country selected and for which field.
sitata:entryClickFired when an entry requirement is clicked. Event details contain the country and type of restriction.
sitata:restrictionClickFired when a local travel restriction clicked. Event details contain the country and type of restriction.
sitata:vaccinatedClickFired when the user has selected a vaccination status. Event details contain the value selected.
sitata:noResultsFired when no results are available for the requested search terms.
sitata:hasResultsFired when search results are available for the requested search term.
sitata:doSearchFired when the user has made a search request.


window.document.addEventListener("sitata:selectCountry", function(event) {
let value = event.details
console.log('value', value)